Land Cruiser Stainless Snorkel: Enhance The Life Of The Vehicle

The Land cruiser stainless snorkel is one of the most important parts. Each snorkel is made by using certain special techniques. A lot of effort is taken to create this, and some procedures and steps need to be followed. Snorkel is one of the accessories that can be added to vehicles to make them more effective off-road. Snorkel makes it easier to move the vehicle through water-logged areas easily.

Land Cruiser Stainless Snorkel

The Advantages: 

Some of the main reasons why stainless snorkel is great are mentioned below: 

  • It Supports the Engine to Cool Down

The performance of an engine increases when it is surrounded by cold air. Many engines today suck hot air underneath the bonnet, and this gives the engine a warm environment. The Land cruiser stainless snorkel keeps the hot air away from the engine, allowing it to be surrounded by cool air. The engine gets hot when it's used and hence it requires cool air, from time to time. Keeping the engine cool will make it perform better and this helps to reduce the consumption of fuel. 

  • The Land Cruiser Stainless Snorkel Provides Cleaner Air To The Engine

Sometimes air is sucked through the front fenders too. The area where this air gets collected will build-up dust. The dust particles accumulation may increase when people are travelling on roads filled with stones and pebbles. The snorkel helps in sucking the air from above, leaving no air to be sucked underneath the fenders or by the engine bay. The snorkel intake should be pointing backwards in dusty conditions.  

Land Cruiser Stainless Snorkel
  • The Land Cruiser Stainless Snorkel Protects from Water

Many people imagine the snorkel to help their vehicle move in water. But that’s not the case. When a vehicle gets submerged underwater, a lot of damage is caused to its parts. The snorkels can save the vehicle when it's damaged due to the water. It helps by not allowing the water to reach into the engine. Whenever people decide to take their vehicle through the water, they should make sure the edges around the pipes are sealed well, along with the drainage holes being completely blanked off in the airbox. 

  • The Land Cruiser Stainless Snorkel Protects from Water Droplets

People always get worried regarding rainwater entering the snorkel. The snorkel is built in such a way that it breaks any rainwater or water droplets before its return to the snorkel. People are advised not to go in heavy rain or drive in deep puddles of water as the life of the snorkel will be decreased. 

The Land cruiser stainless snorkel has a unique design and is built using stainless steel. Special jigs are designed to lay out each snorkel individually. Then the snorkels are attached, welded and then sanded using a pipe polisher that is handheld. A stainless-steel end cap is welded into the top end opening of the snorkels. This is done to safeguard the snorkel from any items such as stones or pebbles getting stuck down in the tube. Aligned perfectly with the guards and window lines on every model that is produced. Later every snorkel is finished with a powder coating finish. 

Land Cruiser Stainless Snorkel

Installing a snorkel can definitely increase the life of such heavy-duty vehicles. Many people opt to purchase a vehicle that comes along with a snorkel. It adds a touch of luxury to the vehicle. People are keen on experiencing such style and richness that is offered by the vehicle. The Land cruiser has been a part of many people’s lives and it's like a family to them. People feel proud and satisfied to own such an amazing vehicle today.

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